Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How NOT To Win An Ex Back

Why is it that most guys who are dumped think that they're so slick they can come up with ingenious ideas about how they can go about winning their ex back?

I found this video on Youtube posted as "My Pathetic Ex Boyfriend!"

Well, he had that coming.

Rule # 027: How NOT to win an ex back

Do not by any means make a video. To her its no fun if she's the only one who sees it.

She's going to show it to her friends, even your friends and to the whole world.

Check it out...its pretty funny.

Hmmm, well at least he's having fun with it.

Women love a guy that can make them laugh. Just remember there's a right way to win your ex back and there are wrong ways.

Monday, April 14, 2008

How To Know If A Girl Likes You

So you finally got the guts to approach're having conversation and its going well. At least as far as you can tell.

Can you really tell if she's into you? How do you know if the girl really likes you?

There are two important things that will tell you if a girl is really into you:

  • Her body language
  • Her impression of you
Body language is by far the more important and even she may not be conscious about the signs that she is displaying but you can tell by looking for these signs.

Here's how to know if a girl likes you from what her body language tells you:

Her Hair

She constantly twirls her hair with her finger while looking at you.
She runs her fingers through her hair or brushes them back away from her shoulders.

Her Eyes

She looks you deep into your eyes when she speaks and her pupils dilate.
She winks at you while talking to you or from a distance.
She blinks a lot while talking to you.

Her Lips

She licks, wets or bites her lips.
She touches her front teeth or puts her fingernails between her teeth.
She gives you big smiles while showing both her upper and lower teeth.
She puckers her lips and pushes her breasts forward.

Her Skin

Her skin tone becomes red when she's with you.

Her Voice

She mirrors the tone of your voice, raising or lowering hers when you do.
She laughs when you laugh.

Her Hands

She touches anywhere. You should touch her back in the corresponding place.
She sits with her palms towards you, face up.
One of her hands may touch her breast (ooooh wait, Are her nipples erect ;)

Her Legs

She sits with her knees towards you as well as her feet.
If she's standing, one of her feet is usually behind the other, but her body facing you.

There are ways her body language can tell you if she's into you. If you notice some of the above then you're doing something right. Keep going. She already likes you...don't mess it up.
Some of the other ways that can help you to know if a girl likes you are based on her reactions to what you say.

  1. A girl who is into you will give you compliments, especially since they're used to getting them. If she says something great about you then she is definitely impressed.
  2. She is really interested in what you have to say and asks you to repeat yourself & engages herself into the topic. If she wasn't interested then you'd swear she agreed with everything you said...uh huh, yah, ok.
  3. She's will never be too busy to find the right time to go out with you. Women's lives revolve around finding a man. So if you ask her out and she gives you an excuse...dude...forget it, ok.
  4. If you haven't told her your name and she asks for yours then she wants to know more about you, a sign that she is interested.

Women are very unpredictable, but body language doesn't lie. Sometimes it can be hard to tell depending on the situation. She might be having a bad day, or PMS...but if your game is super tight then what do you have to worry about, eh.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

How To Get Your Girl Back

There's nothing more devastating than losing the one you gave your heart to. This can become a source of emotional and even physical pain.

This has no doubt happened to me before and I for one knows how it feels. I've made all the mistakes there is to be made and I'm going to tell you what not to do.

It doesn't matter who caused the break up. What is important to know is that you can get your girl back no matter the reason for the break up.

Most guys when they get dumped will make all the mistakes in the book, they go a little crazy for a while and this is the reason why most people never make back up.

Some common mistakes are:

  • professing your undying love
  • text messaging your girl all the time
  • asking for the truth
  • asking if they have someone else
  • drunk dialling
Basically, being a pest. Don't feel bad if you're guilty of some of these or even all...its pretty normal and happens to a lot of people.
Instead of doing all of the above, the big 'secret' is to do the opposite. The first move you should make if you want to get your girl back is to...
Agree with the break up!
This may sound crazy but it makes a lot of sense. You don't want her to be the one in control of the situation or else she will have her way - and her way is to break up with you.


She says, "I've had enough of this. I don't think we should see each other any more."

It comes as a total shock to you, but you calmly breathe and say...

"Yeah, I'm glad you bought this up because I've been thinking the same thing too. I was actually wanting to talk to you about this. I think this is the best thing for the both of us"

Am I crazy?

No. Firstly, she's now confused. Are you dumping her or is she dumping you? You're both on the same page and there's nothing a woman likes more than a strong, in control man.

Ok, so you've made all the mistakes before and past that stage.

So how do you get your girl back then?

The first thing you want to do is to write a short handwritten has to be handwritten...that means no texting, no emailing and no typing. If you don't know what to write, you can get a prewritten letter when you purchase TW Jackson's Magic of Making Up book.

The letter should let them know that you are sorry for what you did and that you're going to give them the space they wanted.

After you're given them the letter, do exactly what the letter said...leave them alone and give them the space. In short, you're letting them go.

Don't be afraid that letting her go means that you're giving up. You're actually helping out the situation. This move is extremely helpful and puts you where you want to be in the eyes of your girl.